February 2019 THIS week's PICTURE

Big Meadows Lodge View : photo by Malcolm Aslett

Big Meadows Lodge is in the Shenandoah National Park.

If you are a foreigner like me these parks and lodges in the US are such a treat. There is a roughness and a sophistication to them all at once. They are such attractive places and run so well. This is looking at the lodge from the viewing platform. As it dips very low near the viewer there was a lot of stone jigsaw work to make up spaces to left and right. Look for the butterfly effect if you want to know how I did a lot of it.

By rights there should be a 'falling towards you' feel at the bottom and a 'flying away from you' feel to the top parts.

There is one from the interior on this site from several years ago: Interior of Big Lodge.

Pretty soon in the process I got lost and didn't know what I was doing other than filling in blank parts. As a result I'm not sure what this photo is about or whether it does anything in particular. Originally, I had some idea that the device would indicate that the building was now the focus of attention rather than the landscape or the natural critters. I'm now unsure whether the spectator will make that connection, that the viewing device is a proxy for 'the spectator', Well as Doris Day once sang, "Oh the Deadwood stage is a rolling.." no, wait. That wasn't what I was thinking of.

Dunno. I'm not sure if it works on any level. I'll come back and look at it in a few years and see if anything has changed. I spent some time on it and you always hope there will be a complementary return in what you have at the end. It didn't work out that way for me this time, I guess. Though the two have things in common, the earlier one of the interior makes a lot more sense to me.





